Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Mitt Romney Pathos analysis

Overall, the acceptance speech of Mitt Romney at the Republican convention contained strong pathos by relating to his audience and imagining a common future that everyone would want. He started out uniting everyone across the country as a whole, by referring to the way the country grew with immigrants and bringing the audience back to their common roots, where everyone started off in the country the same. A common criticism that faces candidates is that everyone is divided into groups and factions that have nothing in common, but he successfully united everyone and said "We are a good and generous people and we are united by so much more than what divides us". He also addressed how Americans are "optimistic", "resilient", "Good and generous", "positive and confident in the future", and that "to be an American was to assume that all things were possible" and in describing the high qualities of America he inspired his audience and united them in their stance behind him as a presidential candidate. He also united us against other countries and anything non-American as he talked about how people were "kissing the shores" of America after they had escaped  "Castro's tyranny". He moved into another section of his speech addressing what Americans deserved that they had not received from Obama, and by enumerating all the things that Americans are doing that makes them deserve these things he lead the audience to feel good and proud of themselves. So Mitt Romney successfully brought about a strong unity and support in his audience with his effective use of pathos.

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