Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Introduction and Reflection

Dear Reader,

I am going to begin my foray into public writing with my take on integrity. I had originally approached this introduction by coming up with different tall tales: how I was incredibly ugly, how you should take me seriously due to how sad writing makes me feel, or how I—a simple blogger--would fill a void where media-made talking heads had let you down, but these stories were disrespectful to you as a reader.I only wanted to make you laugh. Everything’s an Argument, our annoyingly titled textbook, describes humor as relaxing, surprising, naughty, misdirecting, and satirical; however, these only superficially suggest its power as a means of control. When I strive to make you laugh, you laugh on my terms; not without purpose and not at me. I seek control when I am afraid, and regrettably, dear reader, I am afraid of you.

The 18th century philosopher, Immanuel Kant, believed that enlightenment meant "to have courage to use your own intelligence" and not be ruled by what others thought or how it might aid you or improve your situation. One should act with a moral code, simply put: doing what is right, because it is right to do so. This is the obligation of integrity, and its place in the blogosphere is a byproduct of the civic responsibility we have been granted in an era of technological opportunity. My ability to communicate with you or anyone else who Bings or Googles this page comes with tacit obligations that I want to explicitly follow. I must work to improve myself over this project. I must treat opponents’ points objectively. I must conduct myself with decorum rather than hide behind a level anonymity, and I must not allow my actions to be dictated by such things as fear.

My topics will undoubtedly deal with conflict, but these can easily be opportunities for resolution and growth. One must be willing to listen to the enemy and to acknowledge one's own imperfections in the name of civil discourse. Like Sisyphus’s rock, these efforts may never achieve a peak, but by necessity the world community must keep meeting this challenge of enlightenment. As an individual I want to take a step in that direction.

Happy Blogging,

1 comment:

  1. Nicely written, Connor. This gives the reader a glimpse into your personality, humorous side, and the value you place on fearlessness and enlightenment in public debate. Excellent!
