Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Blog 3 Ryan Kiefer. Letter to Conner about topic proposal

Dear Conner,

      First, allow me say it was a pleasure reading your topic proposal. I too plan to write about Mitt Romney's speech, as I'm sure you know by now. Anyway, as I was looking over your proposal, I thought about some aspects that might be beneficial for you to adjust in order to write a more refined paper. 

At first, your paper made no sense to me at all, but after rereading it and discussing it with you, my comprehension grew and I understood. Perhaps to facilitate the conception of your topic you should create a strong thesis that clearly states your intentions for the paper. As I understood and we discussed, your thesis would be something like this: While Obama had complaints from one source, Romney successfully addressed allegations coming from many areas by his use of Kairyos and Pathos. Preceding this statement with coherent and systematic ideas and observations about both speeches would aid to the understanding of the topic as well as provide necessary background information of the speeches and perhaps increase your authority and improve ethos. 

Your audience is a good one for your thesis, but I would like to put forward the idea that you could expand your audience from opponents of Mitt Romney to both Supporters of Mitt Romney and people on the fence about him as president. As you are targeting people who are against Romney and are trying to show them that he is not what he appears from various complaints, it would not be too difficult to incorporate people who are not opponents because they would be easier to sway to your view. For supporters, your evidence could be used to reinforce their notions that Romney would be a great president. So, if you would like to try that, it would open up your audience and increase the amount of people you could have the potential to affect. 

You said you were planning on using pathos and kairos primarily, but you may want to add logos, citing the fact that he directly addressed some of the issues that he was facing (his stance on women) in his speech. It might give your essay extra depth.
I feel overall you have a good handle on this assignment and you should do well.

Sincerely, Ryan

PS, I was confused about the length, when a blog entry should be at least 300, but the paper said 150-200. I went with the blog requirements to be safe. If I was wrong, please disregard the third paragraph when determining word count. Thank you.

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