Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Blog 1: Hello

Hello, my name is Bryan Smith. I grew up in a small town in Arkansas before moving to Chandler in 2001 where I have been ever since. Ever since a young age I was able to excel at my schoolwork and perform at a level above my age. This required my mother to work with my elementary teachers to challenge me enough to keep me interested in school. This extra push from my teachers and parents is why I was able to do well in honors and AP classes in high school and secure a spot at Barrett with an intended major in chemical engineering. Growing up I exhibited exceptional skills in math and science which is a major reason why I chose engineering and to become a problem solver. I am analytical when it comes to thinking of solutions to a problem and approach it in a very practical way. With heavy influence from my older brother and sister and my strict, yet fair, mother, I grew up to treat everyone with respect regardless of creed or background. I also learned to be my own individual and to not be too heavily influenced by the actions and words of others. I hold myself to the highest integrity and to never lie, cheat, or steal. I am always respectful of rules and do not con people for a personal betterment. I feel that I am a genuinely kind person to everyone I meet and I am never disrespectful to anyone unless I feel they do not deserve my respect. I also feel that I am morally sound, as I grew up a Boy Scout and a brother to a Boy Scout. I still believe in many of the points to the Boy Scout law and oath which I feel made me a more tolerant and kind person.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent introduction to yourself, Bryan. This is a good summary of your background, personal values, and goals/interests.
