Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Blog 1. Ryan Kiefer Introductory Blog

Hello, this is Ryan Kiefer, here to introduce myself. I am a freshman here at Arizona State University at Barrett, the Honors College and currently I am studying Architecture and Biology. I haven’t quite figured out what I want to do, but my original plan was environmental building and green design. I am both a creative person and an innovator that likes to problem solve and do a lot of thinking. If thinking and pondering was a profession, I would certainly be doing that. Some things that I enjoy doing that affect my character are backpacking/ camping, music (piano and choir), photography, and learning languages. All of these are fairly different areas that make me well-rounded, so I am very open to new things and ideas. I like to think of myself as a global person, thinking of ways that people can make the world as a whole a better place, and I have many friends from other countries, giving me insight and understanding of other cultures.  I do have firm beliefs on some things, however, and it would take an argument with some pretty powerful logos in it to sway my views. Out of all the rhetorical techniques, logos is the most influential in my eyes, as nothing can stand up forever against hard facts. I am very practical and logical, but the creative side of me appreciates and can construct appropriate pathos arguments as well. As far as integrity is concerned, that is one of the most important aspects of any person, and I am glad that I can say I can meet even the highest of integrity standards. In all my life I have never cheated on any work, from a test to vocabulary exercises. I am responsible and honest, and I take pride in the fact that all my work is my own. As an Eagle Scout, morality is of the most vital importance to me, and in my opinion the highest aspect of the law is Loyalty, which leads me to stand behind the people and ideas that I believe in.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice introduction to yourself, Ryan, and giving us an idea of your values is a great way to build ethos. Nice to "meet" you!
