Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Blog 3 - Dear Bryan

Dear Bryan,
While you had done a great job making sure to touch on all forms of rhetoric, I believe that ethos should have been more heavily focused on in your topic proposal.  Obama had done a great job trying to rally Americans, while still expressing his plans if elected, but I think that he had not done a very good job of trying to reestablish his credibility as our president.  Over the last four years, many people have been unhappy with his accomplishments as president.  In my opinion, he would have been in a better position if he tried to revive the faith Americans had in him, rather than just trying to deliver an energetic speech concerning what he would do with a second term.  Although this is all just my opinion, I believe that ethos should also be elaborated on in your essay as a possible weak point of Obama’s speech.

Logan Haman

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