Friday, September 14, 2012

Blog 2: Bryan - Opinion

I believe Obama's DNC speech was a well written and persuasive speech and delivered exactly what wanted it to. I think the strongest rhetoric is his use of logos throughout. Obama is constantly discussing facts about his presidency and policies for the next four years and does not dwell too much on trying to improve his character since he already had to when he ran for office in 2008. I feel that because Romney is a relatively new person in the spotlight he had to use more story telling and pathos based claims to build his character which has already come under fire and could not focus about his plan for America while Obama made his points very clear. I feel that because Obama was able to focus on his ideas, this gives the American people a better look about not who he is, but what he wants to do for America and how he plans on doing it. I also liked how Obama admitted to some shortcomings while in office, be they his fault or not, and was able to move the conversation from the past and into the future of the U.S. I don't feel Romney focused a lot about what his party will do probably due to the fact that it is unpopular among the middle class, but was able to attack Obama about the state of the country since taking office many times. I personally believe a lot of things like the economy was not Obama's fault since by the time he was elected, the economy was doomed to crash. Obama did have his attacks on the republicans too, but they were more criticisms of their economic policy especially in times of a weak economy. I feel these attacks helped Obama's argument while Romney's did not add much to his argument why he is the better candidate, but rather why the other guy is the worse. From the point of view from a person who just wants the best candidate regardless of party, I believe Obama had the stronger argument because he focused more on the logic of his case and the accomplishments he made in office and less about his character as a down-to-earth ordinary folk which we know is something neither of these candidates are.

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