Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Blog 6 - WA2 Reflection

Overall, I enjoyed the second writing assignment much more than I did the first one. It was very nice being able to pick our own topic and attempt to persuade the reader into agreeing with our proposed solution to the problem we were discussing.  Many of the in-class assignments had helped me in drafting my essay, but trying to prove the main opposing viewpoint to a neighbor was by far the most helpful.  As difficult as it was to argue against your own beliefs, it had helped open my eyes to many of the more prominent arguments against my topic. Some challenges I struggled with was producing an essay that was satisfactory to my own expectations.  By writing about a topic and proposing a solution to something I personally deem a problem, it made me much more critical of my own paper, as I wanted to create a bulletproof stand on the problem.  Other things I struggled with was proper phrasing of my sentences to deliver the most persuasive tone to my paper and deciding which factual information to use to back up my claim.  There were many situations in which I chose to use a less-scholarly phrase than one I had initially written to produce a different tone, which I hope to have been the correct decision.  When it came to choosing statistics and facts in my essay, I had a hard time making a decision on what and where to include it.  My topic of campus gun rights is a subject that has just recently blown up, but still has significant amounts of empirical evidence to back up my claim, making it hard to choose just a few hard-hitting facts to include in my paper.  In the end, I definitely had a much more enjoyable time writing the second assignment. 

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