Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Blog 6 - Reflection

I found that the most enjoyable part of this assignment was becoming more educated on the subject I was writing about. I also found it interesting to see the opposition’s viewpoint and be able to understand why they think the way they do. I also found it to be an easier assignment than the first one because I was able to express my opinion more than in the first one which was mainly evaluation. I think the most helpful assignment was the peer review since it gave me insight as to how other people were writing their essays and how I should improve mine. In addition, the edits done to my paper by others also helped my essay become clearer in its focus. I also felt the annotated bibliography helped a lot with the incorporation of subjects because I did not have to keep re-reading every source to figure out why I chose it again and where I originally wanted to incorporate it in my paper. Having my mental notes already written down made it much easier to use quotes from sources to enhance my paper. I also feel that the introduction to the ASU online database to gather sources for our topics was extremely helpful at finding credible articles rather than using Google search and having to sort through hundreds of entries. I felt that I struggled with was trying to convince others that my issue was a major problem that I felt it was. I think I could have done a better job of conveying the significance of my issue to others who may have not felt that it was an issue. For future classes, I suggest having a day in class after everyone has chosen their topics to work on their annotated bibliography with the instructor to make sure citations were correct and their annotations are adequate.

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