Monday, October 8, 2012

Blog 4 Ryan Kiefer- Source reactions

The basic idea for my second writing assignment is, right now, the detrimental effect of hunting and the delisting of grey wolves as an endangered species in Wyoming and the surrounding states. My research so far has been almost exclusively through the data bases Academic Search Premier by EBSCO and Opposing Viewpoints in Context. For other sources I have an article from NBC News and one from the Huffington Post. I’m not sure if I will use this one because I don’t know if it is a source with enough of a reputation. I would appreciate a comment if this is a source to use or loose, thanks.
So far what I am finding is backing up my views; every source is agreeing that hunting and poaching hurting the wolf population and the entire ecosystem and that it can all be traced to the removal of the wolves from the endangered species list. In almost all areas, including some parks, legislation has made it legal to kill a wolf on sight, without the need for a permit or a certain season. While it is still illegal to hunt in National parks and certain protected refuges, there are wide expanses of land between these havens that must be crossed in order to preserve genetic variation and keep wolf populations healthy by avoiding inbreeding. I have found other opinions as well, just not in such volumes.
The biggest opposers are hunters (obviously) and ranchers who have suffered livestock to wolves. Each one of these views has strong support against it, however, and will be very easy to knock down as there are several sources that demonstrate the harm and immorality of hunting and also sources showing ranchers receiving compensation for livestock losses and innovations for keeping wolves away from livestock.
I have high hopes for this paper and expect it to be highly persuasive.

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