Monday, October 22, 2012

Blog 5 - Source Incorporation

Currently, firearms are not allowed on college campuses.  When a person is a legal United States citizen, at least 21 years of age, is not under indictment for and has not been convicted of any felony, does not suffer from a mental illness, and has demonstrated their competence with a firearm through training, that individual is entitled to apply for a Concealed Weapons Permit (ADFT).  This permit gives permission to the recipient to conceal a firearm on their person.  Although these individuals have proven their ability to handle a weapon, and have been deemed responsible to do so via background checks and other requirements, they currently may not carry their weapon on the ASU campus grounds.  I do not believe that a person qualified to carry a weapon should have to sacrifice their right to protect themselves by stepping on to a college campus.  This is an issue because, by definition, a criminal is a lawbreaker.  As stated by President John F. Kennedy, "The protection of our rights can endure no longer than the performance of our responsibilities” (NRA).  He is saying that our privileges can be no greater than our obligations, so by not trusting citizens, we are slowly losing rights as Americans.   By implementing a gun ban, the only people that will be carrying a gun on campus will be those that are intending to break the law anyway.  Just as a thief would not hold off on a robbery because there is a no trespassing sign, an individual intending to do harm with a firearm will not restrain themself because there is a law against carrying them on school property.  As proven by the District of Columbia, more guns in law-abiding hands means less crime (Guns).  If no action is taken, your personal safety is at risk.  As a citizen of the United States, it is our 2nd Amendment right to be able to protect ourselves.  

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